Innocents Abroad by Mark Twain


Top 10 Books

The Classics

Beatnik Works


The Modern Authors

Qualche libri Italiani


Top 10 Movies

Best Screenplays


Big-Budget Trash

Foreign Film

Hey, I'm not kidding about needing feedback on these lists! Help me out by e-mail:
[email protected]


And at last, just for laughs, and because I love him so much, and because I think it's his best book, Innocents Abroad. You know that this is a highly personal best Classics list if this book is included. Sam would be the first to hoot with laughter at the thought of this Journalistic mess appearing on the same list as the Odyssey and Middlemarch. It's a good thing he's already dead, for I do believe the gentleman would probably die laughing at the thought, especially if he'd just had a couple of snorts.

But what a book! The very first cruise tour of Europe and the Holy Lands with a relentlessly sarcastic commentary by one of the funniest men who ever lived. Instead of traveling with any commercial travel guide under your arm, THIS should be the book you refer to so that you can get the real poop behind all the highfalutin' nonsense you're bound to see.

Tom Sawyer's a good read, and the politics of Huck Finn have their place, but for sheer enjoyment, this is my favorite Mark Twain book, and as a man from Missouri, just south of Hannibal (St. Louis, born and bred), I would be a cad and a boor not to include a book by Mr. Clemens among my favorite classics.
